Be part of an international Formula Student community

Every year, Formula Trinity undergoes an extensive recruitment campaign to enable students the opportunity to take part in our Internal Combustion and Autonomous projects.

We always welcome new members to these projects. The team searches for passionate individuals from any course at Trinity College Dublin. If you love Formula 1, engineering, computer science, coding, business, events, or tractors then be sure to apply.

See some common questions answered below. If your question has not been answered, please get in touch with us on our social media accounts.

Next Recruitment Cycle: September 2025


  • Students seeking to join the team can apply via the digital form during recruitment periods. The recruitment periods are all announced on our social media channels, with the next one to be announced after FS-UK 2025. The application form can be found at the bottom of this page, and if your application is successful, the team will contact you with the details provided.

  • The application process is quite competitive so we encourage all applicants to have some experience in engineering projects if your application is for a dynamic department such as powertrain, drivetrain or chassis. However we do not expect Junior Freshman to have experience in these areas as a prerequisite. Formula Student is as much about teaching and learning as it is competing.

    Show us your passion! If you’ve worked on any cool science projects, ran events, given presentations, or entered coding competitions then let us know.

  • Yes! Some current members are master students, as the competition rules allow it. Unfortunately, we cannot allow postgraduates who are not master students, but if you want to help the team, please contact us and we will see how you can help.

  • No, we accept all disciplines. Throughout the years, we have had students of geology, physics, law, business and mathematics join the team. So long as you are passionate and have the time, we will find a way to fit you in.

  • Yes. All members must be enrolled in Trinity College Dublin at the time of application.